Background: Cyclosporin is a cyclic peptide-drug used as immunosuppressant for the prophylaxisof transplant rejection whose physicochemical properties in mixed aqueous solvent systems isstill not well understood. The preferential solvation parameters of cyclosporin in aqueous binarymixtures of diethylene glycol monoethyl ether (DEGME), polyethylene glycol 200 (PEG 200) andpolyethylene glycol 400 (PEG 400) were computed.
Methods: Reported mole fraction solubilities of cyclosporin in DEGME-aqueous mixtures,PEG 200-aqueous mixtures, and PEG 400-aqueous mixtures were processed by following theinverse Kirkwood-Buff integrals (IKBI) method as suggested by Marcus and Ben-Naim using somethermodynamic parameters reported in the literature for these aqueous-polymeric mixtures at298.15 K.
Results: It is observed that cyclosporin is sensitive to preferential solvation effects in theseaqueous-polymeric binary solvent systems. The preferential solvation parameter by DEGME (δx1,3)is negative in water-rich mixtures but positive in mixtures of 0.12<x1<1.00. It is conjecturablethat hydrophobic hydration around the non-polar methyl and methylene groups of this drug thatcould be present in water-rich mixtures can significantly impact the drug solvation. Otherwise,in mixtures of 0.12<x1<1.00 in DEGME-aqueous mixtures, as well as in almost all the mixtureswith PEGs, the preferential solvation by polymeric cosolvents could be due to the acidic behaviorof cyclosporin in front of ether and hydroxyl oxygen atoms of these polymeric cosolvents.
Conclusion: Cyclosporin is preferentially solvated by the polymeric solvents in almost all thestudied mixtures of these aqueous-polymeric binary solvent systems.